Showing: 31 - 32 of 32 RESULTS

Research Programs

The International Marketing Trends Conference runs two research programmes:

  • International Marketing Trends REVIEW
  • International Marketing Trends RADAR



Chair : Professor Jean-François TRINQUECOSTE, Université Montesqieu Bordeaux IV, France

The Marketing Trends Review programme is devoted to identifying 20 to 30 papers published in one of the 50 selected academic journals over the past two years in order to help emerge the Trends in Marketing that are developed in new existing concepts and new ideas. The analysis of these trends aims at creating four or five categories related to the issues that are addressed and the approaches that are used.

For each publication, the end-report of this review includes a synthesis (1500/2500 signs space excluded) in English highlighting how its key elements underline recent research on the area. Il also summarizes the paper’s topic and conclusions, the academics and managerial implications of the results as well as the methodology and limits.

Each review of literature on a topic is published at the International Marketing Trends Conference after going through a double blind review process by the Scientific Committee.

In order to participate to this program, please contact Professor Jean-François Trinquecoste at



Chair : Professor Klaus-Peter WIEDMANN, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

In all fields of marketing trends the dialog between marketing scholars as well as marketing practitioners of different institutions and countries should be systematically advanced. The objective is to obtain a clear view ranging from a big picture to a more detailed understanding of the main trends both in the field of marketing science and of marketing management.

This program is open to all researchers who wish to participate and are concerned with new trends and developments in marketing. We will provide a detailed framework which structures the relevant fields of marketing trends as follows:

  • the Marketing Trends Barometer, an annual survey of consumers and professional for measuring marketing trends,
  • academic papers on new trends and emerging ideas (state of the art and literature review) to address a broad spectrum of novelty and innovation within the marketing discipline.

In order to participate to this program, please contact Professor Klaus-Peter Wiedmann at



More than 2,000 papers have been published in the proceedings of the International Marketing Trends Conference. You have free access to the Congress papers in  PDF format in their complete version.

  • 2024 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-18-8
  • 2023 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-16-4
  • 2022 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-14-0
  • 2021 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-11-9
  • 2020 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-09-6
  • 2019 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-06-5
  • 2018 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-03-4
  • 2017 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5
  • 2017 Luxury Industries Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-02-7
  • 2016 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-9532811-0-1
  • 2016 ACCI Arts, Cultural and Creative Industries Symposium Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-01-0
  • 2015 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-9532811-6-3
  • 2014 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-9532811-7-0
  • 2013 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-9532811-8-7
  • 2012 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-9532811-9-4
  • 2011 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
  • 2010 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
  • 2009 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
  • 2008 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
  • 2007 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
  • 2006 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
  • 2005 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
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  • 2002 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3
  • 2000 Copyright©  All rights reserved ISBN 978-2-490372-00-3

All the papers of the proceedings of the International Marketing Trends Conference are available for free from 2000 to the lastest edition of the conference. 

All the papers of the proceedings of the International Marketing Trends Conference are indexed in the Google Scholar database.

Reference format

The authors can use their papers in part or in full for any use without asking the International Marketing Trends Conference permission to re-use their own work and to publish their paper in printed form, electronic form, and other data storage media, transmission over the Internet and other communication networks and in any other electronic form. They are requested to cite the original publication source of their work and link to the published version.

To cite a paper of this website:

Author (Paper Year), “Title of the paper” (accessed date), Proceedings of Conference number / International Marketing Trends Conference / Year of conference / Place of conference, ed. Alberto Pastore, Julien Schmitt, Julio Jimenez, Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Paris-Venice Marketing Trends Association


Andreani Jean-Claude (2010), “Modelling Consumer Behaviour using Simulation Methods” (accessed August 23, 2014), Proceedings of 9th International Marketing Trends Conference 2010 Venice, ed. Alberto Pastore, Julien Schmitt, Julio Jimenez, Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Paris-Venice Marketing Trends Association