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IMTCConference Secretariat

Conference Secretariat

International Marketing Trends Conference
c/o ESCP Business School

Marketing Department
79, avenue de la République
75543 Paris Cedex 11
Telephone: +33 1 45 03 05 35 from 14:30 to 17:30
Email address:


Luxury Industries Conference London 2017



The years to come are going to be a turning point for luxury brands. After many years of rapid growth, they are now facing a slowdown in their progression. The increased casualization of consumers’ expectations, the rise of discounts, the development of online purchase and the revitalization of local consumption are only some of the visible trends…


To face the challenge of these changing times, the luxury industry is questioning its marketing models. Where does “prestige” stop and where does “luxury” start? What makes a genuine luxury product? Does the digital era mean more creativity for the marketing of the luxury industry? Should creativity support innovation, adaptation or tradition? What are the key success factors of luxury brands? Where are the new markets? Where are the touch points in the Chinese market?  What is the future for department stores? How far can digital tools support a renewed relationship with customers? What is the objective of a luxury brand community strategy? Is e-commerce an opportunity or a threat?


The 2017 London Conference is a unique chance to interact with academics and top-class professionals from all over the world that share a common interest in Luxury Brands. The major sectors covered include Fashion, Leather Goods, Perfumes, Cosmetic, Watches, Jewelry, Wine and Spirit, Fine Food, Tableware, Travel, Hospitality, Automobile…


The conference will take place:


For further information, do not hesitate to get in touch with the organizing committee by telephone on + or by e-mail at

The   Scientific Committee of the Luxury Industries Conference , which is chaired by Professor Jean-Claude ANDREANI (Marketing Department – ESCP Europe Paris Campus), consists of a Conference Board of 6 co-chairs, whose role is to ensure a consistent editorial policy for the conference and harmonize the decisions taken on the national level.


The co-chair of the Luxury Industries Conference are:

  • Professor Alberto MATTIACCI, Sapienza Università di Romà, President of the SIM Società Italiana Marketing – Italy, who published ““Marketing. Il management orientato al mercato.” (with A. PASTORE), Hoepli, 2014
  • Professor Pascal MORAND, ESCP Europe Paris Campus – Executive President Fédération Française de la Couture, du Prêt-à-porter des Couturiers et des Créateurs de Mode – France, who published « Les religions et le luxe: l’éthique de la richesse d’Orient en Occident. », Regard, 2012
  • Professor Elyette ROUX, Université Aix-Marseille – France who published “Le Luxe éternel, de l’âge du sacré au temps des marques.” (with G. Lipovetsky), Ed. Gallimard, 2003
  • Professor Marie TAILLARD, ESCP Europe London Campus – UK, who published “Value creation in the consumption process: the role of consumer creativity” (with B. VOYER, V. GLAVEANU and A. GRITZALI), Advances In Consumer Research, 2014
  • Professor Klaus-Peter WIEDMANN – Leibniz Universität Hannover – Germany, who published “Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Konsumeitelkeit und Luxuskonsum.”(with N. Hennigs, V. Kelsch), Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Saarbrücken, 2010
  • Professor María Jesús YAGÜE GUILLÉN, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Spain, who published “Relating brand equity and customer equity: an exploratory study.” (with S. Romero), International Journal of Market Research, 2015






The symposium is officially sponsored by SIM (Società Italiana Marketing).


Call for Paper Conference London 2017



We are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal for the Conference on the Marketing of Luxury Industries, which will take place in London (UK) on September 15-16 2017.




To read the FULL CALL FOR PAPERS of the Luxury Industries conference, please click here.


To SUBMIT A PAPER to the Luxury Industries conference, please click here


Please note that, in line with the publication rules of the International Marketing Trends Conference, the papers are expected to be approx. 10 pages long and  can be written in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. Once received, the papers will be reviewed by 2 anonymous readers, both of whom are marketing professors with high academic standards. Due to the high level of selection in order to ensure an outstanding academic level, we expect the number of papers to be limited to a maximum number of 50 papers published.


Also note that a selection of the best conference papers will be considered to be published in the Journal of Marketing Trends (electronic issue),  which is indexed in the Goodle Scholar and EBSCO databases. The symposium scientific committee will select papers that will be awarded the Best Conference Paper Award and the Best Ph.D. Paper Award. All the papers will be published in the conference proceedings on our website


The deadlines for the paper submission and the conference registration are indicated hereunder:

  • Call for paper: March 2017
  • Paper submission: June 19th 2017
  • Paper acceptance: June 30th 2017
  • Conference registration: July-September 2017
  • Conference: September 15th– 16th 2017 (1-½ day)


The symposium tracks are the following:

  • Luxury Brands Management
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Digital Marketing
  • Communication
  • CSR and Luxury
  • Distribution Strategy


The key sectors addressed include Fashion, Leather Goods, Perfumes, Cosmetic, Watches, Jewelry, Wine and Spirits, Fine Food, Tableware, Travel, Hospitality, Automobile…


The   Scientific Committee, which is chaired by Professor Jean-Claude ANDREANI (Marketing Department – ESCP Europe Paris Campus), consists of a Conference Board of 6 co-chairs, whose role is to ensure a consistent editorial policy for the conference and harmonize the decisions taken on the national level. The co-chair of the Arts, Cultural and Creative Industries symposium are: 

  • Professor Alberto MATTIACCI, Sapienza Università di Romà, President of the SIM Società Italiana Marketing – Italy, who published ““Marketing. Il management orientato al mercato.” (with A. PASTORE), Hoepli, 2014
  • Professor Pascal MORAND, ESCP Europe Paris Campus – Executive President Fédération Française de la Couture, du Prêt-à-porter des Couturiers et des Créateurs de Mode – France, who published « Les religions et le luxe: l’éthique de la richesse d’Orient en Occident. », Regard, 2012
  • Professor Elyette ROUX, Université Aix-Marseille – France who published “Le Luxe éternel, de l’âge du sacré au temps des marques.” (with G. Lipovetsky), Ed. Gallimard, 2003
  • Professor Marie TAILLARD, ESCP Europe London Campus – UK, who published “Value creation in the consumption process: the role of consumer creativity” (with B. VOYER, V. GLAVEANU and A. GRITZALI), Advances In Consumer Research, 2014
  • Professor Klaus-Peter WIEDMANN – Leibniz Universität Hannover – Germany, who published “Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Konsumeitelkeit und Luxuskonsum.”(with N. Hennigs, V. Kelsch), Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Saarbrücken, 2010
  • Professor María Jesús YAGÜE GUILLÉN, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Spain, who published “Relating brand equity and customer equity: an exploratory study.” (with S. Romero), International Journal of Market Research, 2015


The conference is officially sponsored by SIM (Società Italiana Marketing).

The papers must be submitted via the conference website. To submit a paper to the Luxury Industries Conference, please click here.



Venice (Italy) is the official venue of the 23rd International Marketing Trends Conference on January 18-20 2024.

Click here to REGISTER.
 Click here to SUBMIT A PROPOSAL.

Submission deadlines  :

With over 500 speakers and contributors, from more than 50 different countries, the International Marketing Trends Conference offers a great variety of conferences and covers a wide range of topics. It has, over the years, proven to be a unique think-tank that interacts with leading business professionals, top academic experts, professors, researchers and Ph.D. students.

The IMTC takes place once evry three years alternatively in Paris (France) and Venice (Italy). In 2017, we decided to start including additional locations and IMTC took place in Madrid (Spain) in 2017, and in Rome (Italy) in 2022.

Key events and publications of the International Marketing Trends Conference :


Registration Conference London 2017



Please click here to be redirected to the REGISTRATION section.

The registration must be completed by September 8th, 2017.

Please note that you will need to book your hotel directly yourself. The list of the hotels recommended by the conference will soon be available online on this page.

Registration Fees :

  • Professors full fee: Euro 450 includes conference registration fee, participation to the conference, conference proceedings, coffee breaks and friday lunch break, gala dinner, cultural event, association fee, special issue of Journal of Marketing Trends.

  • Students full fee : Euro 350 includes conference registration fee, participation to the conference, conference proceedings, coffee breaks and friday lunch break, gala dinner, cultural event, association fee, special issue of Journal of Marketing Trends.

  • Special  fee for Students without Gala Dinner: Euro 250 includes conference registration fee, participation to the conference, conference proceedings, coffee breaks and friday lunch break, association fee, special issue of Journal of Marketing Trends.

  • Professionals with Gala Dinner: Euro 100 includes conference registration fee, participation to the professional conference, welcome coffee, gala dinner, cultural event.

  • Professionals without Gala Dinner: free includes conference registration fee, participation to the professional conference, welcome coffee.

The fee does not include accommodation and travel expenses, nor any other additional expense of any kind (transportation, personal expenses, insurance,…). The participants should make their reservations themselves.



IMTC Academic Congress

The congress part of the International Marketing Trends Conference is fully dedicated to research papers and posters, with a large diversity of tracks the conference participants can choose from.

Click here to REGISTER.

Academic congress submission deadlines  :

Other academic events submission deadlines: 


In line with the publication rules of the International Marketing Trends Conference, the papers are expected to be approx. 5 pages long and  can be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish. Once received, the papers will be reviewed by 2 anonymous readers, both of whom are marketing professors with high academic standards.

The International Marketing Trends Conference proceedings all have an ISBN number and are indexed in the Google Scholar database.

A selection of the best conference papers will be considered to be published in the Journal of Marketing Trends which is indexed in the EBSCO database and is a ranked publication.

IMTC academic congress tracks :

  • Marketing Trends
  • Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Analytics 
  • Branding and Marketing Communication 
  • Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research 
  • Digital Marketing 
  • Innovation and Product Management 
  • International Marketing 
  • Luxury Goods Marketing
  • Marketing and Sustainability 
  • Marketing Strategy 
  • Retailing and E-Commerce 
  • Sales, CRM, Pricing and Promotion
  • Sectorial Marketing – Services (Services, Tourism, Culture, Healthcare, Media, Education, Non profit…) 
  • Sectorial Marketing – Goods (B-to-B, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Food…)
  • Work in Progress  


Doctoral Colloquium

The Doctoral Colloquium of the International Marketing Trends Conference will take place on Thursday 23rd of January 2025.

Participation to the Doctoral Colloquium includes :

  • Work on Ph.D. Thesis in coaching teams with 3-4 outstanding academics;
  • Mentoring Session on how to best manage an academic career;
  • Research Skills Development Workshop with a choice between 4 topics (Writing paper tips, Theory visualization, Marketing trends radar on research topics, Latest state of SmartPLS);
  • Attendance of the 2 extra days of the conference without the exclusion of the Gala Dinner.

Deadlines for submission and registration :

  • 04 Nov. 2024 : Submission with all the required documents on DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM SUBMISSION website
  • 15 Nov. 2024 : Notification of acceptance
  • 23 Jan.  2025 : ALL DAY (09:00-17:00) Doctoral Colloquium and Research Skills Development Workshop

The Doctoral Colloquium invites outstanding doctoral students in an intermediate or advanced stage of their dissertation process to discuss their work during a 50 minutes presentation in front of a panel of 8-10 leading  academics. The Doctoral Colloquium is an International and friendly one-to-one environment, It is a unique opportunity to refine research questions, publish research, receive guidance on future research directions and gain advice from the panel of professors on how to build an academic career. During the Doctoral Colloquium, each participant is given 20 minutes to introduce his/her work (15 slides max) in English and 20-30 minutes to discuss his/her proposal with the panel.

The Doctoral Colloquium was founded by Professor Elyette ROUX (Université Aix-Marseille, France) in 2008. It has been chaired by Professor Michael LINGENFELDER  (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany) and Professor Jean-François LEMOINE  (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / ESSCA School of Management, France). It is now chaired by Professor Lorena BLASCO-ARCAS from ESCP Business School – Madrid Campus (Spain).


Professional Forums

Creating interaction between academics and business professionals is a strong aspect of the DNA of the International Marketing Trends conference, with many events dedicated to it.

Click here to download the 2024 MSF PROGRAMME.

Thanks to the support of many managers IMTC has been able to develop a network of companies that are willing to share their experiences with academics and are interested in confronting their views with the conference participants.

  • Guest Speaker
  • Trends Track
  • Marketing Strategy Forum
  • Luxury Brand Management Forum
  • Healthcare Strategy Forum
  • Arts, Cultural and Creative Industries Forum

The 2024 professional forums will take place on Friday 19th of January 2024.

Where theory meets practice… The Professional Forum are open to both marketing professionals and marketing academics and aims to provide a practical view of the issues that marketing managers are addressing in their businesses. They are some of the greatest highlights of the International Marketing Trends Conference.

Based on case studies and round table discussions, they are a unique opportunity to gain insights on the way marketing managers face the daily challenges of the real life of marketing and how they put marketing theory into practice.

The guests speakers come from a wide range of business sectors such as consumer goods, luxury goods, automotive, healthcare, leisure and tourism, B-to-B, banking, insurance, NTIC, cultural institutions, etc…

Marketing Strategy Forum Board of Advisors


Post-Doc Forum

imgThe Post-Doc Forum initiative of the International Marketing Trends Conference is a space of the conference that is open to Ph.D. academics at an early stage of their career.


The Post-Doc Forum of the International Marketing Trends Conference will take place on January 18-20 2018 in Paris (France).


The Post-Doc Forum is chaired by Professor Michael Haenlein from ESCP Europe.


The Post-Doc Forum aims to create an interactive space where young academics can meet their peers, exchange on career perspectives, develop research projects and challenge their current research work.


The Post-Doc Forum includes research workshops with short paper presentations and also all sorts of other opportunities to develop academics and research skills such as roundtables or seminars on specific topics (i.e. open access publishing, ethical practices and integrity in research…) with interactions with senior academics and marketing professionals. A poster session offer the possibility to link up with other researchers. The idea is to create an International and friendly environment where Ph.D. researchers, who have been teaching marketing and related disciplines or conducting research, can discuss new ideas and approaches that challenge the way academics and practitioners see marketing today.


  • Participants wishing to publish at the Post-Doc Forum are invited to submit a short paper (5 to 10 pages – 5,000 to max. 10,000) in English only.
  • Participants wishing to send a poster for the Poster Session are invited to refer to the Poster Session menu of the website.
  • Participants wishing to attend the Post-Doc Forum without publishing a paper or a poster can register directly in the website registration section.


Please click here to see the information on the Post-Doc Short Paper Submission Rules.

In order to submit a Short Paper for the Post-Doc Forum, please click here.and remember to clearly indicate that you want your manuscript to be considered for the POST-DOC FORUM.

The submission and registration deadlines are indicated hereunder:

  • September 12th 2017: Deadline for paper submission on the website
  • October 23th 2017: Notification of paper acceptance and readers’ comments back to the authors
  • November 13th 2017: Download of final paper on the website
  • November 13th  2017Early bird registration and payment of conference fees
  • December 4th 2017: Registration at regular fees
  • January 12th 2018: Programme available on website
  • January 19th – 20ieth 2018: 17th International Marketing Trends Conference


Please click here to see the Programme of the Post-Doc Forum


Please note that the International Marketing Trends Conference proceedings all have an ISBN number and are indexed in the Google Scholar database.


Also note that a selection of the best conference papers of your country will be considered to be published in the Journal of Marketing Trends which is indexed in the EBSCO database.